Thursday, September 12, 2013

All Joy and Peace

There's something about taking a shower right before bed.

It's peaceful.

I usually don't, but tonight I did. Any time I jazzercise in the evening, I must shower. I'm too gross not to. I love the feeling of being fully clean and crashing into my awesome bed. There's some sort of metaphor to correlate about washing away the day.

I wanted to wash off some of today.

I started off tired because I stayed up way past my bed time. Six-and-a-half hours of sleep just doesn't cut it for this reverend. I don't think as clearly. I don't remember basic things. Actually, the fact that I'm writing this on such little sleep is probably a bad idea.

Oh well, you're still reading.

There was nothing remotely bad in my day, just distractions. Stupid things that I shouldn't have to think on or worry about. Chaos, perhaps, is the best word I can think of. Chaos was my mind most of today. Even in Jazzercise... I was trying ot focus on jabs and step-jumps, and I was contemplating a deep theological question posted by my missionary friend to Madagascar. My brain just wanted peace.

No, my brain had to have peace.

You know what? I just wanted to offer peace to people. The kind of peace that comes when step out of our own way and let Jesus talk control. The kind of peace that lets me take a deep breath. The kind of peace that I desire so badly right now.

"May the God of hope fill you will all joy and peace as you trust him so that you may be filled with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

That is my mantra right now: the verse that sums up my heart so deeply. I want to be effective. I want to change lives. I want to speak into those around me...the mentees, the small group girls, the strangers, the man checking me out at Wal-Mart. I want to show those people the hope the Lord has.

And, I'm hoping on a few things of my own. I like that the verse mentions not just peace, but joy. Because, just because you're looking for peace (calm, quiet, non-stress peace), it doesn't mean you're sad or melancholy. It just means that you should be filled with joy.

Today and always.

Choose it, will you? Get over whatever it is that's stealing your joy and causing you to lose hope and just choose to live in His joy. It will make life so much easier.

Alright, I have to go take that shower now. Sorry it's been MONTHS since I've posted. Things...well...things happened.

Peace Out, Home Fries.

P.S. - I no longer eat wheat. My body is shrinking before my very eyes. Seriously.

P.S.S. - I have a boyfriend...of about seven months now. God is good, isn't He?

P.S.S.S. - There's always hope.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hanger-In-Mouth Syndrome

Have you ever heard that turn of phrase? "You look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth!"

Rachel said that to Monica on Friends once, and I always loved it. This week, in their own way, several different people implied that I had slept with a hanger in my mouth. I've just been so stinkin' happy!

No. Joyful...I've been so joyful! And, I think it's spilling onto other people. I love it!

I've lost nine pounds since January, so that's pretty epic. I'm about to turn 25, which is also epic. And, God has just been blessing me. It's so beautiful to see Him provide for me in so many different ways! Obedience pays off, folks! I promise.

He's working up something big, I can feel it. I can't share it quite yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm on the cusp of something huge...something miraculous. I kind of feel like I'm living in that Ellie Goulding song Anything Could Happen. I am so excited to see that "anything" happen!

I almost feel guilty being this joyous when I know other people are going through some pretty difficult times. But the truth is, God has brought me through a lot. He has transformed me into a pretty stellar version of Missy Boyer, so I'm gonna' rejoice in it!

What about you? Have you felt this joy? Are you over-the-moon excited for something? If there isn't joy, take a minute to look at your life, and ask yourself this question, "What's stealing your joy?"

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Just Call Me Rev

This Christmas, my sister-in-law decided to label all my presents “The Rev.” I think once she realized that I am actually Reverend Melissa Boyer, she went nuts! I think it’s totally cute.

I’m excited for 2013 and my duties as a reverend. In April, I will be credentialed into the second level in the Assemblies of God, so I will be a licensed minister. In July, I get to do my first wedding! I’m so excited to be a part of someone’s special day when I don’t have to purchase a dress I’ll only wear once!

Then again, it’s me. You know I’m gonna’ buy a new dress.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be called a minister. I’ve been meditating on that “sovereign” word reverend. It’s such an unbelievable thing in my life, even now. I never imagine I would be a missionary, let alone an actual Assemblies of God minister. It’s so exciting to look back and see where God has quite literally numbered my steps.

I was filling out paper work for this next level of credentialing, and they gave me this prompt A minister must be able to show that he or she can “Implement effective personal health, growth, and time management plans.” As strange as I thought the question was at first, I think I came up with a very good answer.
"I would say the past 12 months have been the best of my life as far as personal health. I realized that I kept saying, “Lord, anytime, anywhere,” but my physical body would not have been able to do that. Since January of 2012, I’ve lost 45 pounds and begun to work out regularly. Part of it was the idea of fitting into smaller clothes (I am a woman, as well as a minister), but the majority of it was being able to accomplish what God’s will for my life is.
Personal growth has also been an area of increase the past year. I begin my mornings with constant prayer. I like to have an ongoing conversation with the Lord throughout my day. I spend my time before bed in the Word and praying/meditating on what I read. I frequently journal as a way of connecting to God. If I write down my prayers, I can look back and see when He answers them.
As for time management plans, I am very organized. My planner is my right hand. Since the atmosphere of Chi Alpha is a go-go-go situation, I have to be on top of things. I’ve learned that sometimes you have to say no to a situation so you make sure God and time with Him is priority. I’ve also learned that it’s incredibly important as a minister to have leisure/personal time. As a single minister, my parents and close friends are very important to me, so I make sure to manage my time with them as well. My mentor, Missi Trask, frequently looks at my schedule to make sure I’m not overloaded, and leaving adequate room for my growth in Christ."

Now, I have since received an e-mail that says my District Superintendent approved my form and I will receive credit for this particular part, which is incredibly exciting.

See, all of those things (health, time management, growth) are something ALL of us should do, not just ministers. So, I want to encourage you. Make a plan to improve your life. Not because I’m telling you or because Oprah is telling you, but because God deserves the best version of you that can exist. And, for those of you who think you can’t be a minister or make a difference in the world, think again. If someone as silly and random as me can become a licensed (I hope!)* minister in the Assemblies of God, who’s to say you can’t grow to a deeper place in Christ?

Peace Out, Home Fries.
Reverend Missy :o)

*I say “hope” because I still have to finish two classes, take a fairly difficult test and pass an interview with four or five ordained, AG, male ministers. Prayers are appreciated! Thanks!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Minds, Weapons and The Ultimate Question

I use to say, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."

Now, I'm not 100% sure I even agree with my own statement. I've read several columns, editorials, and blogs the last three days about the horrific events on Friday. I find myself agreeing with all of them even though most contradict each other.

Am I wishy-washy? Am I a pushover? Do I have any real opinion of my own?

The answer to the latter is obviously 'yes,' otherwise this blog wouldn't exist. Truth is, in a situation like this, I think there is only one thing to agree on.

Horrific events like this must end.

I don't care if that means better mental healthcare, gun control laws, less gun control laws, etc. I don't know what "it" is that's going to fix this, but something must be done.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to pray. Pray for the victims. Pray for the mentally disturbed. Pray for our nation.

I'm just gonna' pray.

May peace be with us all.

Missy :o)

Here are some links to the opinions I've been reading.

On the mental health issue...

On the painful truths of guns...

On asking, "Why God?"...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dear Steve...

I am so glad I ran into you to day at Get Lost Book Shop. It's nice seeing faces from my J-School past. Good to know you have another book coming out soon.

On to the point of this particular post. As I wrote down the Web site for my blog, it dawned on me that you were once my professional writing instructor. You know me as the girl who stalked an Entomologist for six months just to get a story; a really good one, though. You knew me as someone with a future in writing, and you even pushed me to pursue it. I always appreciated you for that. Because, let's be honest, everything I know about telling someone else's story, I learned from you. (Everything I learned about telling my own stories, I learned from Mary Kay...who just happens to be your best friend). They don't call it the best Journalism school in the world for nothing.

I must will probably not recognize that fresh-faced student in the rest of these blog posts. You will probably see/feel/hear the voice of a mid-twenties, single reverend who is a little obsessed with losing weight. (Yes, my official title is Rev. Melissa Boyer, now. I can even perform weddings, funerals, and baptisms - preferably not in that order.) As a matter of fact, that voice is exactly what I desire for you to see/feel/hear. I enjoy writing about my life. And, since it is in fact my life, it's in my voice.

I promise I always re-read to check for grammatical errors. Hopefully, you will notice that I usually follow AP Style (that will never leave my brain). I'm just not as serious as I once was...I'm actually a little goofy.

Having said all that, please enjoy the crazy rantings on Jazzercise, spirituality, friendship and love of a former J-School student. Who knows? Maybe someone will find it so interesting that I will need your advice on the publishing world.

Keep writing well.

Missy :o)

P.S. - The posts in early June have some flair. I was going for more of a "syndicated column" feel. As it moved on, it just became random thoughts. Professor Bentley taught me that random thoughts are often the best beginnings to stories.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hey, Ho! Ho Hey?

I'll warn you, I'm tired right now.

Every time my BFF (yep, I’m in 3rd grade) calls me I answer the phone, “Hey, ho!”

I have no idea why.

It’s something she started a long time ago. She actually usually says, “hoochie ho” or “ho bag” or something seemingly derogatory, lol. Some of you probably think this is awful. I happen to find it hilarious. I think it’s because neither of us are any of those things.

The song “Ho Hey” by the Lumineers came out this summer, and I can’t help but think about Em every time I hear it. It’s like “Stuck Like Glue” all over again, haha. I'll tell you that story later.

I don’t really know the point of this particular post other than to say that she’s been on my mind lately because I miss the crap out of her. (Come see me, soon,! K?) And, I really love the song, too. I mean, hope is kind of the anthem of my life. Hope of the future. Hope of who is in that future.

Yeah, that ‘who.’

Whoever “who” is, I want him to say these words to me….

“I don’t think you’re right for him. Look at what might have been…I belong with you. You belong with me. You’re my sweet heart. I belong with you. You belong with me in my sweet heart.”

"Love. We need it now."

"Let’s hope for some."

Word, Lumineers. 


That’s all for now... maybe I shouldn’t blog past midnight, haha.

Peace Out Hoochie Fries.

Missy :o)

Monday, November 26, 2012

God just did that.

I must warn you...the NyQuil is just about fully set in. This cold thing is getting worse, and I swear the heat is radiating off my body from a fever.

However, I HAD to tell you what happened yesterday because God just continues to BLOW my mind away...far, far away.

So, remember my previous post about losing $200/month in support in one fail swoop? Well, I was just getting past the whole "personal/not personal" side of it and really moving on. That's when God walked in.

I came home yesterday to a slew of packages. (I should have known not to order off Amazon before Thanksgiving Break.) There was one little one NOT from a store that had a very familiar return address and name. It was from a dear friend I met my first year of college. She had just gotten married and was finishing up her last year of school. I don't know why we connected so well...ok, it was God, but it was still very odd at the time. There was just this kindred spirit between us that I knew would last a lifetime.

Anyway, I open the package to find two worship CDs and a little note. I begin to read the note and barely make it to the second sentence before literally bursting into tears.

"Missy, I am so grateful that God brought us together! You have been on my heart so much. Know that I am praying for you and will continue to! I knew God had been leading us to support you. I approached (insert husband's name here) and he was immediately on board. I asked him how much he felt led to give (not having told him what you emailed to me) and he gave me a number that matched supporting you the $200 a month you lost for the next year. We believe in the work and ministry you are providing with Tim and Missi and want to see you continue to grow and reach others. I believe he has big things in store for you in 2013 and I cannot wait to hear about them!"


I mean, WHAT?!?!?!?

About two weeks after the whole thing went down, she e-mailed me out of the blue and said that I'd been on her heart lately. She asked how she could pray. I told her the whole story about how hurt I was and how I was just feeling so attacked. (I was actually so brutally honest, that I almost regretted the word vomit-ing, haha. But, I also felt God was guiding me at the moment.) Anyway, yes, she knew about the $200 missing, but her husband knew nothing of the story.


I am so pumped right now! Do you know what this means? It means there's once again a slight safety savings account can grow! It means if something comes up, I don't have to call a church (or Mom and Dad, lol) to help out. I'm back up to $1450 a month! WOO HOO!

God is so good. I thank Him daily for the people He had put in my life. I thank Him for speaking to them. I thank THEM for listening.

My friend was right...2013 is going to be a HUGE year for me! I CANNOT WAIT to see what happens!

Love you all!

Peace Out, Home Fries!
Missy :o)

Like I would NOT post this now. Maybe God is pushing you to help the cause!